Senin, 05 Oktober 2015

Tulisan 2 Softskill Profesi Etika Akuntansi

Implementation of Good Corporate Governance and Its Impact on Corporate Performance: The Mediation Role of Firm Size  (Empirical Study from Indonesia)

Renny Nur’ainy, Bagus Nurcahyo*, Sri Kurniasih A., and Sugiharti B.  School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Gunadarma University, Indonesia *Corresponding author Email:,


Purpose : This research aims to examine the effect of good corporate governance implementation on corporate performance as measured by EVA. The previous research has shown that corporate performance is related to good corporate governance implementations. But it’s still rarely the research that use EVA on measuring corporate performance. 

Design/methodology/approach : This research use manufacture companies which are listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2006-2010 as the samples. Purposive Sampling was used to determine sample criteria: go public manufacturing companies in period 20062010 which consistently publish annual report and financial reports on the website of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) or its own site; companies that have selected as the 40 companies with the largest size. Path Analysis was conducted to shows its direct and indirect effects of each path.

Findings : The results of this research show that implementation of GCG can affects directly on corporate performance as measured by EVA, and also shows affect indirectly through firm size. In other words, firm size has a mediation role in the impact of good corporate governance implementation on corporate performance.

Practical Implication : This study is expected to contribute in providing an overview of the implementation of GCG in Indonesia which can be used by investors and potential investors as one consideration in making investment decisions, and reinforcing previous studies regarding the relationship between GCG implementation and corporate performance.

Originality/value : Seeing the controversies among previous researches in the GCG and its impact on corporate performance, this study sought to further investigate the direct effect of GCG implementation on corporate performance as measured by EVA and its indirect effect through its size.

Keywords: Good Corporate Governance, EVA, firm size, manufacture companies.

Paper Type: Research Paper   

Sumber :

Komentar : Pengaruh penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik pada kinerja perusahaan yang diukur dengan EVA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa penerapan tata kelola perusahaan dapat mempengaruhi langsung pada kinerja perusahaan yang diukur dengan EVA, dan juga menunjukkan mempengaruhi secara tidak langsung melalui ukuran perusahaan. Dengan kata lain, ukuran perusahaan memiliki peran mediasi dalam dampak penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik pada kinerja perusahaan. Karena tata kelola yang baik dapat membuat perusahaan tersebut semakin baik dimata investor.

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